Tuesday, June 5, 2012

Know which tee to select!

Recently I have had people asking about choosing the correct set of tees they should play in order maximize their enjoyment of the game. In my opinion most players play from the wrong tees and play a golf course which is too long for their capabilities which also contributes to slow play.
One of the questions I ask people is "How far do you hit your driver?". The standard response from the men is "250 yards", for some of them that may be the case but statistics show that the average male golfer drives the ball closer to 225 yards. This is where the problem begins and should end.
Source: http://bit.ly/L8OJDO
If you have not heard the terms yet, in the very near future you will be hearing about "Tee It Forward" or "Tour Equivalent Tees". They are programs being brought forward by the PGA of America and the USGA which based upon your driving distance will help you select a length golf course which will allow you to play a course the way tour players do. These programs are a result of research that was provided by Barney Adams, Founder of Adams Golf who studied the length of tee shots and how they related to a player's approach shot into the green.
For example, according to statistics if you hit your tee shot 225 yards the proper length course you should be playing would be 5800 to 6000 yards long. If you are playing a course 6400 yards long that is the same as a tour player who is playing a course that is 8000 yards long. I don't know about you but I wouldn't find that to be any fun and isn't that why we play golf, to have fun?
Below you will find a chart that will help you choose a course length that will allow you to play the course the way the tour players do and have more fun.
Driver Distance Recommended
18 hole Yardages
PGA Tour Professional 7,600 to 7,900
300 yds 7,150 to 7,400
275 yds 6,700 to 6,900
250 yds 6,200 to 6,400
225 yds 5,800 to 6,000
200 yds 5,200 to 5,400
175 yds 4,400 to 4,600
150 yds 3,500 to 3,700
125 yds 2,800 to 3,000
100 yds 2,100 to 2,300