Monday, April 23, 2012

Got a Chip on your Shoulder?

Hello all once again. I know from my own experience chipping was a major problem in my short game. I would get close to the green but not quite make it onto it. This is where chipping helps and comes in handy. I would struggle like a lot of beginners and end up hitting the ball to short or way past the hole. And like many i would end up made and aggravated with myself because of the error.

It was only after watching a lot of different varieties of video on YouTube that i learned what i was doing wrong and how to improve my stroke. If you just go to YouTube you can search for many different videos about chipping and choose the one that works best for you. Below is a link to one of my favorite chipping videos that is on YouTube.

Jim Furyk explains the chipping swing very well i think.

Hopefully this video helps you out like it has with me. After watching this video and others i learned how to chip correctly and practiced it at the range and then went onto the golf course and it lower my score by a few strokes.

Wednesday, April 11, 2012

My Experience with Life's Great Game!

Hello all. Glad that you have found my blog on helpful hints to improve your golf game. Just a little background on me. I have been golfing for the past 6 years and like many the game of golf didn't come easy for me. I was constantly slicing the ball and not making great contact with it while hitting. After doing much reading and watching on tips from the pros I improved my golf game dramatically.

This blog will give you some helpful hints from the pros on how to tweek your game in the little areas that matter most. Also I will give some golf club recommendations and if you have any questions about certain products you can just comment and I'll give you my feedback.

The first post for helpful hint will be coming soon. Stay tune til then.

Til then if the golf course hasn't killed you yet, there is still time to work on that game!
