Wednesday, May 9, 2012

Sayonara Golf Ball!

This weeks topic is dealing with the driver. I know that almost everyone has had troubles with driving and the ball slicing. I know from my experience i have had many problems with my drive and not hitting the ball straight.  I would make solid connection with the ball and it looks to be going straight and then when the ball starts to descend it starts to hook to the right. Probably like most people I get angry and upset and wonder why on earth did the ball go to the right, when i know i hit it great. Well to help everyone out on improving their driving game I have posted a video clip from an experienced player who gives you great tips on improving that drive.


He understands that most amateurs and beginners suffer from this part of the game.
So to improve your game if you are at that level he gives you helpful drills that you can go to the driving range or even practice in your own backyard.

I hope that this clip helps everyone out as it has helped me improve my driving game.
Leave any comments or feedback and I'll get back to you and see if I can help you more.


  1. My weakest part of the game is definitely my driver. I always find myself slicing and would love to have a personal training session, one day.

  2. Most of us do need to learn to limit the slicing of our drive. Luckily for all of us most courses have professionals to help teach us on our swing or if you are looking for a cheaper professional there are usually old pros that have golf shops where they give you personal lessons.
